Rush Team Wiki

Sniper Rifles are a type of weapons in Rush Team. They are optimized for long-range battles, mostly because of their ability to zoom in. Their fire-rate is slower than that of a Rifle or a pistol but does more damage and usually kills with one shot. Currently, there are 9 free sniper rifles and 8 paid.


1. AS50

Clip size: 4/28

Damage: 10(1 hit kill) 

-with silencer damage: 10(1 hit kill) 

Recoil: medium

-with silencer recoil: medium

Reload rate: 4.5 sec

2. M21

Clip size: 10/60

Damage: 8

-with silencer damage: 7-8

Recoil: low

-with silencer recoil: low

Reload rate: 5 sec

  • this weapon is good for support
  • this weapon is good for quickscope/noscope since M21 has good accuracy.

3. M40A3A1 (both VIP and normal)

Clip size: 6/30

Damage: 10(1 hit kill)

-with silencer damage: 9

Recoil: low

-with silencer recoil: low

Reload rate: 7-8 sec (can reload 1 bullet  at a time, same as shotgun)

  • light sniper for moving 

M40A3A1 cannot scope very far

4. LSR (both normal and VIP)

Clip size: 5/35

Damage: 10(1 hit kill)

-with silencer damage: 10(1 hit kill)

Recoil: medium

-with silencer recoil: medium to low

Reload rate: 5 sec
